
Week 9 : Marshall McLuhan

Journal Entry 7 Marshall McLuhan Marshall McLuhan is a literary scholar from Canada who is one of the best known media theorists and critics of the era. Marshall McLuhan is the author of the famous books, The Gutenberg Galaxy: the Making of Typographic Man (1962) and Understanding Media: the Extensions of Man (1964). 1953-1955 Chairman of Ford Foundation Seminar on Culture and Communication. 1959-1960 Director of Project in Understanding New-Media for National Association of Educational Broadcasters, and Office of Education, U.S.A. 1962 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man won the Governor General's Medal for that year. 1963 Appointment by the President of The University of Toronto to direct a new Centre for Culture and Technology The Medium is The Massage/Message ? The medium is the massage was a simple printing error that occurred when McLuhan ordered his book to be printed. But he had like the mistake so much, he kept it as it is and con

Week 8 : A Musician That Displays Unique Aesthetics, Shoji Meguro/ Video Game Music

Journal Entry 7 A Musician That Displays Unique Aesthetics,  Shoji Meguro : Video Game Music Fueled by nostalgia, synthesized melodies, chiptunes and traditional instruments, video game music has held a special place in the hearts of many from my generation, the 90s. It was a time where technology grew as quickly as you did, and the music played alongside you as you take your first steps into the anxious and unsettling world. From the Tetris tune to Super Mario Bros’s theme song, to Nobuo Uematsu’s Final Fantasy soundtrack, there was an abundance of music from the video game world, and I was so thankful to be born in such a rich world. These memories consists of when your ears would listen to the wistful tunes of the flute as you travel across a virtual world with your horse, or when you come across an abandoned house and the eerie music crawled into your skin, or when the final boss battle would commence, and the loud violins would play and your heart and the drums would beat a

Week 7 : Media Imperialism

Journal Entry 7 Media Imperialism Media imperialism: Is a theory that smaller countries go through loss of identity because of force feeding of media from larger nations. Most of this media comes from the Western countries, such as America and UK, following their ideas of “appealing”. This loss of identity happens when the west floods smaller nations with media. It is well known that western media is the majority of what is exposed to the populace, and their ideals and values are implemented into the content and advertising. Through this advertising, manipulation and propaganda happens. The most popular ideas and values are then seen as righteous values. Smaller nations fall under a delusion then abandon their ideals and (worst case scenario) culture in favour to the more popular i.e Western. Propaganda: Making you feel good about something by manipulation. Most common use is to use euphemisms. -           Example: Torturing Prisoners of War (POW) -> Interrogation.

Week 6 : Elitism VS Populist and How does Mass Media Affect Socialization in Children and in Young Adults?

Journal Entry 6 Elitism vs Populist Values Definition of elitism and populist and my thoughts: An elitist is a small group of people with a lot of advantages and keep the most power who thinks themselves superior to others. To them, certain groups of media entertainment belong with different factions of people in the social ranking. For example, classical music should be listened to by high class people, whereas comic books, kung-fu movies are for a low class audience. This is a very shallow way of thinking because all forms of entertainment should be enjoyed by the public. Pop culture appeared after an art movement that brought about artistic techniques such as photomontage, collage and assemblage, then comic strips, mass produced objects and advertising all impacted the subject matter. Pop culture was categorized by something that was ‘popular, gimmicky, glamorous and Big Business’. Pop culture has an issue where something ‘trendy’ but insignificant is often popularized.

Week 5 : Based on the statement above, share your thoughts on the issue, of how community video can make changes in people, and the community that they belonged to.

Journal Entry 5 Based on the statement above, share your thoughts on the issue, of how community video can make changes in people, and the community that they belonged to. You can give some examples to explain.             All my life living here, all I see are failed propaganda attempts and backfiring community videos. For some reason the se videos really provoke reverse psychology in teenagers and young adults. Do the problems lie with the videos, or with the people? All the videos that tells you to not do drugs and don’t smoke are like catalysts/ jokes. Humans tend to lack self-restraint and cannot resist curiosity or the will to enjoy. What is forbidden simply seems more desirable. And the videos can’t even make us feel afraid of the consequences, nor is there much feels in its content. It simply exists as an annoying looping thing on the television with content that nobody takes in. Therefore I assume that it is the videos that were not well-done enough. Here is what I as

Week 4 : The Truman Show

Week 4 Journal Entry The Truman Show I had watched this movie a long time ago when I was young, but never realized the hidden philosophical messages behind the story or the strong criticism it has towards mass media. Back then, I had simply treated it as an entertaining movie. Now, after all the media related subjects I had gone through each semester, I could relate what I learned in class while I was watching the movie. The Truman show is certainly more than just an entertaining movie with Jim Carrey starring in it. It is a movie that questions media and it’s control on people’s lives. To begin, the synopsis of the story is about 29-year old Truman Burbanks (Jim Carrey) whose whole life has been broadcasted to the world through the television screen. Every move he makes is broadcasted live through the abundant amount of cameras in his town called Sea Heaven (in actuality it is a very large set made specifically for him to live an ideal life). The Executive Producer, Christof,

Week 3 : What is Facebook to YOU?

Week 3 Journal Entry Facebook Facebook in its most purest form, like many other social media platforms that exists in this day and age, is there to share information. It’s used to tell a story, and that can be by sharing things that interest you or telling your story. I’d like to divide my experience on Facebook into a few stages : ·        Observing ·        Being a part of a community ·        Sharing ·        Watching From what I could remember, the first time I used Facebook was simply to see what was on my news feed. Based on my circle of friends, sometimes they would share things that would have similar interests with me. These pictures or videos that showed up on my feed mostly contained art or entertainment and likewise I would enjoy viewing it and leave a like and comment. I still do this, aimlessly spending a lot of my time scrolling through my news feed, not looking for anything specific. I realize this is a great waste of time, but I find it quite hard to