Week 9 : Marshall McLuhan
Journal Entry 7 Marshall McLuhan Marshall McLuhan is a literary scholar from Canada who is one of the best known media theorists and critics of the era. Marshall McLuhan is the author of the famous books, The Gutenberg Galaxy: the Making of Typographic Man (1962) and Understanding Media: the Extensions of Man (1964). 1953-1955 Chairman of Ford Foundation Seminar on Culture and Communication. 1959-1960 Director of Project in Understanding New-Media for National Association of Educational Broadcasters, and Office of Education, U.S.A. 1962 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man won the Governor General's Medal for that year. 1963 Appointment by the President of The University of Toronto to direct a new Centre for Culture and Technology The Medium is The Massage/Message ? The medium is the massage was a simple printing error that occurred when McLuhan ordered his book to be printed. But he had like the mistake so much, he kept it as it ...