Week 7 : Media Imperialism

Journal Entry 7
Media Imperialism

Media imperialism:

Is a theory that smaller countries go through loss of identity because of force feeding of media from larger nations.
Most of this media comes from the Western countries, such as America and UK, following their ideas of “appealing”.

This loss of identity happens when the west floods smaller nations with media. It is well known that western media is the majority of what is exposed to the populace, and their ideals and values are implemented into the content and advertising. Through this advertising, manipulation and propaganda happens. The most popular ideas and values are then seen as righteous values. Smaller nations fall under a delusion then abandon their ideals and (worst case scenario) culture in favour to the more popular i.e Western.

Propaganda: Making you feel good about something by manipulation. Most common use is to use euphemisms.
-          Example: Torturing Prisoners of War (POW) -> Interrogation.

Often enough, we hear “It’s what’s popular, therefore it must be correct.” Or, “Everyone’s doing it so it can’t be wrong, right?”

But what is accepted by the general public might not always be what is true.
Corporate companies repress information from the general public to sell the ideals. For example, fast food companies do not publicly disclose nutritional information of their food. If the public knew, it would damage their sales. This censorship has always been related to the media imperialism.

Misrepresentation in Media:
Lately, media has become extremely superficial and this causes the audience to become superficially minded as well. Both men and women have been manipulated by the media, the women often receiving the sharp end of the stick.
1.      A woman’s worth is measured by her appearance.
2.      Women are often belittled for going through PMS, often perceived as “bitchy.”
3.      *Flashback to 2005*, “I’m not like the other girls” (Even girls start belittling each other.)
4.      Men are also misrepresented.
5.      Men who show feelings or cry perceived as “weak” or “feminine.”
6.      Beauty standards as perceived by MEN.
7.      Marketing is incredibly misogynistic.

Effect on Third World Countries:
-          People adopt ideals and views because the West has become a world power, therefore their ideals are correct.

-          Delusion
-          Propaganda
-          Euphemism
-          Identity
-          Manipulation
-          Ideals
-          Repression
-          Misrepresentation


